Wednesday, June 03, 2009

We Can Do This For Real Now

Joe just called to tell me that we were approved for a loan for a house!

So we knew we'd be approved, but we just didn't know how much we'd be approved for.

I was happy to hear that the amount was much higher than we were hoping for, so we'll be in a super safe range when we finally purchase.

We're meeting with a Realtor soon and then we'll go from there.


Now onto something that made me really mad last night...I came home and Joe kind of looked at me like he had something to tell me but didn't want to tell me. Then he finally said "look what the birds did to your garden."

And so I looked.

This shot was taken about a week before the bird problem started...
And then the bird thing happened...
AAAH the damn thing ripped my pepper plants to shreds! Luckily I had brought in my other plants the night before because it got really windy and a couple of the plants aren't stable enough for the wind yet.

So now I have CDs all over my balcony, in hopes that shiny things will scare them away for good.

I'm peeved.


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Man, that wait between asking for a loan + getting the call that we had been approved was torture! I am SO
happy for you two. I hope the hunt for a house is quick + you can walk away from apt. living.

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

How about something like this to keep the birds away?

Congrats on your loan approval--house hunting is so fun! Good luck!