Friday, November 09, 2007

Handmade for the Holidays

Lots to say today, but not much time to I think I'll have to come back later on for a new post.

Have you taken the handmade pledge yet?
We had a theme this week for Self Portrait Thursday on Etsy...
And this is what I came up with :)

I'm hoping that Joe buys me handmade this holiday season. Last year I set up an etsy account and a paypal account for him, that only he knew the passwords to, and I hearted about 70 items on etsy to make it easy for him. Well...I didn't get any of those gifts since he takes pride in being a "Christmas Eve shopper"...uuugh.

I've been trying to figure out something handmade that will suit each of my family members. My mother in law is super easy, she really appreciates handmade things.
My nephew, Landon, will be easy, too since he's only 9 months old. I was thinking about this really cute raven on a pull string for him. It's so classic and one of those toys that you keep for a long time.
My brother is easy, too..there are a lot of automobile lino-cuts on etsy, or maybe a nice knit winter hat.
I know what I want to get for my mom, but I can't say since she might read this :)
My dad is another hard to shop for.
And the other 5 people I didn't mention are all tough ones, too. But I will find SOMETHING handmade for each one of them.
Tomorrow I have a show in Chicago for Yellow Canoe. Joe found out last minute that he can't come with to help. That's okay though...I'll be fine (other than the fact that I HATE chicago driving/parking. so nerve wracking for me.)

Like I said, I have a lot more to tell later on.
You may remember me posting about our handmade Christmas tree that I made 2 years ago. Well, I decided that I'm going to make it a tradition every other year to create a new one.
I'll show you this year's tree inspiration later on.


lisa solomon said...

hi cute erin!!!!

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

My family exchanges Amazon gift lists- around this birthday/ holiday time I get them in my in-box. I generally reciprocate with gifts I make + 1 item from their list. One year I gave everyone charity donations, won't do that again. I thought I was being so clever, choosing a charity based on everyone's interests (mostly animal related). UGH! I dread this part of the holidays.

I'm sure you are in Chicago now (it's Saturday) but best wishes for the show! I REALLY wish I could come and see all your work in person, heck I'd even help you out with parking. CHEERS!