Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not much time...

I still haven't found the time to do my holiday post but I just wanted to mention...

I'm sure you've all heard of the lovely Sia over at Sia Grafica. Well, she contacted me a couple weeks ago about doing an interview and it's posted on her blog now! Check it out!


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

great interview + I never would have guessed that you were only 22 (I mean that in the best of all possible ways)

Erin Lang Norris said...

hahaha, that's okay shona! i get that all the time. it's funny, though, because when i was 18 applying for a position the first thing the boss man said to me was "well, you do realize you need to be at least 15 to work here, right?"...yeaaahhh. thanks man. thankfully the eye creases are starting so people don't think i look like a teen anymore. (ha, no i'm not REALLY thankful for that, but you know ;)