Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Boots

Joe told me that he didn't have a birthday gift for me and I told him I wasn't surprised.
Not in a mean way or anything, but that's just kind of how the past 5 years have gone.
(Oh wait- last year he got me 3 lb dumb bells and gave me a check so I could chop my hair off. OH and a vase...which I was absolutely smitten with. As you know I love things for the house.)

This year he asked if he could buy me the boots I've been swooning over.
(Okay he didn't really say it like that. But that's what went through my head.)
I knew he meant the Miz Mooz boots, and not the Frye boots.
I think he would have flipped out if I told him they were the $370 Frye boots.
(He just doesn't get it...but I am conditioning him slowly...slooowllly)

So there they are.
Miz Mooz Pacey Boots, in tan.
And that's my owl, Owliver.
Not owl-liver. More like Oliver with a W in it.

Oh and the shirt is from the inlaws.


Lately I have been big on coffee and tea.
1 cup of coffee in the morning. About 3 cups of chai during the day.
That's a lot to me.
Probably why I haven't been sleeping at night...
...which then leads to me drinking tea all day.
And now I'm at the point where I have a headache in the morning, until I drink my coffee.
Damn it.

Well it's time to get ready for work now.


Anonymous said..., what are they like?
love your presents :)

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

You know I'm digging the boots!
As for the tea I drank with with my friend, it was genmaicha, a toasted rice green tea, my ABSOLUTE favorite!