Wednesday, August 23, 2006

something new.

hey guess what? i have something new to share! i will show you after i get home from work today. im really excited about it...but PLEAASSE tell me if its something i should kick to the can. i mean, if you dont like the direction im heading in, let me know! okay, see you soon. oh yeah, dont you hate when you make chicken and then forget that the package is in the trash, you wake up, and your house smells awful?? uuughh. nasty. actually, i should take that out before i shower. oh yeah, if you ever get a chance to buy floap (floating soap) from this shop, DO IT. if you have an extra $5 get 2 bars- you will be so incredibly happy. i definitely recommend "so delicous", if you end up having a hard time picking one out. (oh- and you will have a hard time picking just one, trust me.)


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see what it is!

Dawn said...

me too! i can't wait :)