Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It isn't often that I buy things from my Wists.

And it really hasn't been a frequent occurrence for my to buy anything at all over the past few years (i didn't end up buying the chopper thing i blogged about a few posts back). I did go through a short stint where I was buying lots of stuff last fall, but that's because I could for once, since I had a good paying job and extra cash.

Anyway, I added these shoes to my Wists some time ago:

The Commerce shoe by Naturalizer, via Zappos.

Today I went to check on them, just to be sure they were still there. And I realized they only had one more pair in a 6.5. And none in a 7, so I didn't have a backup-with-thick-socks option. Eek!

I decided that I should buy them, for various reasons:

1. They are yellow. I've been wanting yellow shoes for a long time.
2. They can be worn to my fall/winter job.
3. They can be worn to my spring/summer job (although i probably wont do that much).
4. They can be dressed up or down.
5. They were the last pair available, and I couldn't find them for sale anywhere else online.
6. I need new shoes, as soon as sandal season is over.
7. They would go good with my new house. Or at least that's what I am going to tell Joe when he finds out.

I had them shipped to my parent's, on the off chance that they didn't make it here before we skip a few towns over. My mom will bring them on Saturday when they come to help us shimmy on over to Mazo.


Caitlin said...

yay! happy sunshine for your feet.
:D Those are so sweet.

Wolfie and the Sneak said...

According to my calculations, you've closed??? and moved in??? Was it Friday?? I can't wait to hear an update!

(And those shoes are pretty friggin cute!)