Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunday Number 2

So I somehow got 2 Sundays off in a row. Maybe I requested one of them off, I don't really remember.

The nice thing about not working on a Sunday is that Joe is home on that day, too.

We got a lot done, considering the fact that we stayed out till 2 a.m. on Saturday. We went to the first show we've been to in ages and had a great time. But I always have to wonder- how can so many people resist dancing at shows? I personally think it's the best part.

Anyway, we got a bunch of errands and spring cleaning done. Joe got a taste of why I never feel like I accomplish anything when I set out with ideas (I'm the planner and buyer...) which was good because now he knows that it's a bummer when you come home with nothing.

BUT we did come home with food to grill out with!

bbq sauce



Caitlin said...


And I may be envious of your green plates. :D

Beth said...

Mmmmm. grilling out. We are do for our first of the year.