Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday Present = Ordered

So of aallllll the things I want (neeeeeed!) I chose to get this for my birthday:
The Roksana Sweater by Prana.

Don't ask me why I didn't get a decent pair of pants for snowshoeing.
I don't want to think about the compact drill promo offer that I forgot about.
I thought that a Kettlebell & workout DVD would be a lame gift.
I can't find a winter coat that I like so scratch that till next year, again.
Somehow I don't want anything for the house, which is so weird.
 And everything else costs like $200 or more.

So this should be getting here soon...just in time for me to wear it to work.
While I do love cardigans & cute blouses, this is really more me.
I like the back because it's striped like the arms are...super cute!

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